Critical Home Repair Program

Our Critical Home Repair Program addresses critical home repairs needed by existing low income homeowners who are unable to pay for urgent repairs when they unexpectedly arise. This program is a repayment program and follows the same basic guidelines for eligibility as our Homeownership Program. Eligibility is based on: need, ability to re-pay and willingness to partner. Critical Home Repair Program (CHRP) is built on the Habitat model of providing a hand up, not a handout.

Habitat for Humanity was founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have an affordable, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and we recognize the need in the community for assistance to low income homeowners who have urgent home repair issues but are unable to afford the cost of the labor, materials or both. 

Our Critical Home Repair Program addresses critical needs for low income homeowners and includes projects involving exterior repairs, weatherization, wheelchair ramp construction and other critical home repairs.

Our Community Outreach Committee of Mecosta County Habitat for Humanity is made up of dedicated volunteers who meet multiple times monthly to review applications and determine applicant eligibility. Some of the basic requirements of the program are:

  • You must own your own home in Mecosta County

  • The home must be the full-time residence of the homeowner.

  • The homeowner must have the ability and commitment to repay the expenses of the project

  • The homeowner must participate in the project and must provide a safe, sanitary and accessible environment for our volunteers to work while completing the project

  • Applications requesting assistance will be prioritized based upon the most urgent and critical nature

Once an application has been reviewed and it is determined that the home repair is within the scope of Habitat’s ability to assist, the partner family agrees to work with our volunteers to make the repairs. The cost of the repairs are initially funded by Habitat and with the generous support of the Consumers Energy, DTE, MSHDA, Home Depot and Mecosta-Osceola United Way. The family is given a zero-interest loan with affordable payments to repay the costs. Repayment helps to insure long-term sustainability of the program.  

If you would like to apply for our Critical Home Repair Program, please click on the Application Form button below. Mecosta County Habitat for Humanity will make every attempt to reply to each application in as timely a manner as possible. Some of our applications are very urgent and require our immediate attention, we appreciate your patience during the process.

 Habitat for Humanity of Michigan believes that everyone should have a decent, affordable place to live. All are welcome to participate regardless of race, color, religion or creed, gender, national origin or ancestry, disability, familial status, political views or any of the other distinctions that too often divide people. Habitat welcomes people from all backgrounds and also serves people in need of decent housing regardless of race, color, religion or creed, age, gender, national origin or ancestry, disability, familial status, or any other legally protected class. Habitat for Humanity of Michigan does not proselytize, meaning we do not express or imply that a condition for assistance is that people must adhere to a particular faith, convert to a particular faith, or listen to messaging about converting to a particular faith.